Richard Melson

April 2006

BIS Review Nos. 26 & 27

Please find BIS Review No 27

attached as an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file.

Alternatively, you can access this BIS Review on the

Bank for International Settlements' website by clicking on:

What's included?

BIS Review No 27 (06 April 2006)

Jean-Claude Trichet: Economic integration in the euro area

Amando M Tetangco, Jr: The outlook for the Philippine economy and policy directions in 2006

Wu Xiaoling: Create a favorable social environment for the development of micro-credit business

Randall S Kroszner: Central counterparty clearing - history, innovation, and regulation

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BIS Review No 27 available

Attachment: bisrev27.pdf (0.13 MB)

Press, Service

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Please find BIS Review No 26

attached as an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file.

Alternatively, you can access this BIS Review on the

Bank for International Settlements' website by clicking on:

What's included?

BIS Review No 26 (05 April 2006)

David Dodge: The evolving international monetary order and the need for an evolving IMF

Svein Gjedrem: Monetary policy in Norway

Jean-Claude Trichet: EMU and the euro - successes and challenges

Roger W Ferguson, Jr: Financial regulation - seeking the middle way

Susan Schmidt Bies: An update on regulatory issues

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BIS Review No 26 available

Attachment: bisrev26.pdf (0.16 MB)

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Press, Service