Richard Melson

October 2006

BIS Review Nos. 97-92

Bank for International Settlements

BIS Review 97

"Publications, Service"

Press, Service

Monday, October 9, 2006

Please find BIS Review No 97 attached as an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file.

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Bank for International Settlements' website by clicking on

What's included?

BIS Review No 97 (18 October 2006)

Ben S Bernanke: Bank regulation and supervision – balancing benefits and costs
Jean-Claude Trichet: How to elevate the potential growth rate of Europe
Krzysztof Rybiński: How to use
globalization to improve Poles’ living standard?
Krzysztof Rybiński: Single euro payments area from the point of view of the National Bank of Poland
Susan Schmidt Bies: A supervisory perspective on enterprise risk management
Malcolm D Knight: Promoting inclusive financial systems

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Please find BIS Review No 96 attached as an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file.

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Bank for International Settlements' website by clicking on

What's included?

BIS Review No 96 (17 October 2006)

Guy Quaden: Price and wage rigidities in an open economy
Stefan Ingves: Cross-border banking regulation - a way forward: The European case
Stefan Ingves: The economic situation in Sweden
T T Mboweni: The challenge of employment equity with specific reference to transformation at the South African Reserve Bank
Toshiro Muto: Recent conduct of Japanese monetary policy
Frederic S Mishkin: Globalization - a force for good?

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Please find BIS Review No 95 attached as an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file.

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Bank for International Settlements' website by clicking on

What's included?

BIS Review No 95 (16 October 2006)

Mario Draghi: Measures for the protection of savings and the regulation of financial markets
Guillermo Ortiz: The participation of international banks in emerging economies
Bandid Nijathaworn: Financial sector surveillance – what have we learned
Bandid Nijathaworn: Regional financial integration and development of local markets
Susan Schmidt Bies: A US supervisor's perspective on current banking issues

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Please find BIS Review No 94 attached as an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file.

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Bank for International Settlements' website by clicking on

What's included?

BIS Review No 94 (11 October 2006)

Mervyn King: Monetary policy developments
Jean Claude Trichet: Testimony at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
Zhou Xiaochuan: China's economic development and external financial cooperation
Y V Reddy: Banking and financial sector reforms - status and prospects
Savenaca Narube: Overview of Fiji's economy
Glenn Stevens: Economic conditions and prospects


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Please find BIS Review No 93 attached as an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file.

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Bank for International Settlements' website by clicking on

What's included?

BIS Review No 93 (10 October 2006)

T T Mboweni: South Africa's financial markets within the Southern African sub-region
T T Mboweni: Monetary policy and South African bond market developments
Zeti Akhtar Aziz: Overview of scenario thinking and planning
Savenaca Narube: Fiji's economic performance and challenges ahead
Svante Öberg: The Riksbank and the Swedish economy


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BIS Review No 93 available

Attachment: bisrev93.pdf (0.14 MB)

Press, Service

"Publications, Service"

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Please find BIS Review No 92 attached as an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file.

Alternatively, you can access this BIS Review on the

Bank for International Settlements' website by clicking on

What's included?

BIS Review No 92 (9 October 2006)

Ben S Bernanke: The coming demographic transition - will we treat future generations fairly?
Jean-Claude Trichet: Interception of bank transfer data from the SWIFT system by the US secret services
Svein Gjedrem: The outlook for the Norwegian economy and the business sector in southwestern Norway
Philipp Hildebrand: Swiss monetary policy and financial markets
Michael C Bonello: Validating Malta's strategy to create an international financial centre
Donald L Kohn: Economic outlook

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BIS Review No 92 available

Attachment: bisrev92.pdf (0.49 MB)

"Publications, Service"

Press, Service

Monday, October 9, 2006