Richard Melson

June 2006

Manhigut Jewish Leadership

Weekly Email Update:

for the 3rd of Tamuz 5766 (June 29)

Volume 66 Number 34

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In this Week's Update:
Press Release: Israel's Government Responsible for Well Being of Kidnapped Soldier
Is There Any Way to Stop the Madness?
Jewish Girls in Jail
Chashmonaim Hosts Manhigut Yehudit
Latest Articles
Latest Audio Clips
What Can I Do?

Torah Sparks

Press Release: Israel's Government Responsible for Well Being of Kidnapped Soldier
Moshe Feiglin, leader of Manhigut Yehudit, the Jewish Leadership Movement, declares that it is the government of Israel that is responsible for the well being of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit, just as the government is responsible for the well being of all the citizens of Israel. The foolish attempt to place the responsibility for Gilad's safety on the shoulders of murderers like Abu Mazen is part of the total failure of Israel's government to lead the country.

Every soldier and officer called upon to re-enter Gaza should know that he is endangering his life -- not for Israel's security, but rather to cover up for Prime Minister Olmert and Defense Minister Peretz's fiasco.

Listen to audio interview with Arutz 7

Is There Any Way to Stop the Madness?
"So what is your solution?" a Leftist once asked me.

"I don't have a solution," I answered.

"So what do you want?"

"I don't have a solution to your problem, but I do have a solution to my problem."

Our entire country knowingly marches toward its own destruction because it has decided that its problem is that it has no place among the nations (as Binyamin Netanyahu named his book, "A Place Among the Nations"). A Jewish country cannot exist in the Land of Israel if it is estranged from its past, its identity and its destiny. We do not have a place among the nations. We do have a place apart from the nations. Our problem is not how to become like the nations. Our problem is how to be Jews who fulfill their destiny -- to perfect the world in the kingdom of Heaven -- in the Land of Israel.

"For me," said authoress Dorit Roynyan in an interview to Israel TV a year after the Oslo Accords were signed, "Oslo means forgetting that I am Jewish."

So if your problem is peace and security -- in other words, "Give me some peace and quiet and let me forget the Jewish hump on my back," I have no solution for your problem. You will become more and more enmeshed in trouble and reel ever closer to destruction. Every time you attempt to run away, reality -- a.k.a. G-d -- will force you back to yourself. You will then vent your anger and frustration on your brothers who have remained faithful to their destiny -- the settlers.

I have no solutions for the imaginary world that you have created so that you can fulfill your dream of assimilation. You have created a virtual reality -- one that is not synchronized with G-d. It can't work and it won't work, and I can't help you. Until you face reality as the Creator has defined it, the Kassams will fall and the collapse will continue.

But I do have a solution for my problem. I have a way to fulfill my dream. I have a way to advance toward a completely different goal. My destiny dictates a solid solution to our current situation.

My goal and destiny is to perfect the world in the kingdom of Heaven. I strive to create a state in the Land of Israel (that includes Gaza), an exemplary Jewish society that illuminates the world with its morality and G-dly conduct. As soon as we re-set our moral coordinates, as soon as we restore our sense of justice, as soon as it is clear to us who the good and bad guys are in this story (when we know, we'll easily be able to explain ourselves to the world), everything will be simple.

We won't need major military offensives, we will not need targeted killings and we will not need fences. All we will need is some perseverance and everything will work out. When we return to our appropriate place and proportions, our enemies will also return to their appropriate place and proportions. The question is not what we will do with them, but what we will do with ourselves.

Only Jewish leadership for Israel can provide the answer. Because only Jewish Leadership asks the right question.

Moshe Feiglin

For more on this topic see Moshe Feiglin's article: So What is Your Solution?

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Jewish Girls in Jail
Oryah Shirel (see last weeks update about Oryah), Yiskah Federman and Shirah Medad are three Hebron teenagers. All three of them are now in jail. They can go home whenever they recognize the authority of the Israeli courts. But they won't do it. The court system draws its power from the legitimacy that it receives from its victims, and these three young teenagers have unmasked the travesty.

Unfortunately, Israel's government is planning an all out attack against the pioneers in the outposts, which will likely lead to many arrests. These three girls have highlighted a very important aspect of our struggle. (For a deeper discussion of this issue, see Moshe Feiglin's article, "Bullies in Judges' Cloaks."

Israel's judicial system plays a major role in the evil and cruel tyranny that has developed in Israel since the pogrom of Gush Katif. In Israel, Jews faithful to their beliefs and country have no place to turn for justice. Israel's judicial system has a clear and one-sided agenda -- even though this completely contradicts the principle of equality before the law upon which the system is ostensibly based. As a result, we have no faith in the system and we do not respect it.

An Israeli who has been arrested for a "patriotic offense" has no reason to attempt to defend himself. He has two choices. He can express his lack of faith in the system and remain silent. Or he can express his lack of faith in the system and declare that he is cooperating because he is being coerced into doing so and has no choice but to surrender to the bullies in the judges' cloaks.

For more on Jewish justice, see: How to Implement Jewish Law and Return the Supreme Court to the People

Chashmonaim Hosts Manhigut Yehudit
This past Wednesday night, Moshe Feiglin and Michael Fuah lectured in the town of Chashmonaim. Veteran members of Manhigut as well as many newcomers voiced their enthusiasm for Manhigut's message and volunteered to help get the word out. English speakers in Chashmonaim also met with Manhigut's Educational Director, Dovid Shirel to lay the groundwork for getting Chashmonaim's sizeable English speaking community actively involved in Manhigut. We hope to be hearing a lot from Chashmonaim as well as many other communities around Israel.

Now is a great time to spread Manhigut Yehudit’s message. If you are interested in arranging for Moshe Feiglin to lecture in your community, please contact Dovid Shirel at

Latest Articles
Bullies in Judges' Cloaks by: Moshe Feiglin
Young Jewish Leadership for Israel
by: Moshe Feiglin
Death Wish by: Moshe Feiglin
It's All John Lennon's Fault by: Moshe Feiglin

Keep up-to-date. Visit the Jewish Leadership "What's New?" web page.

Latest Audio Clips
An Arutz 7 Audio Interview with Moshe Feiglin: Moshe Feiglin places responsibility for the terror attack and kidnapping squarely on the Israeli government. (15:13 Min.)

What Can I Do?
If you are in Israel
, be sure to keep in contact with the Likudniks that you met and spoke with over the primaries campaign. Don't abandon them to the lies and manipulations of the media until the next elections.

In addition:
Create or join a permanent forum of activists to further Manhigut goals and activities.
Invite Likud branch members in your area to various activities.
Sign up new members for Manhigut and the Likud.
Become more involved in your local Likud branch and on the national level.

If you are not in Israel, join the team and become a Manhigut Yehudit International Member and be part of turning Israel from the state of the Jews into the Jewish State!!!

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Arrange educational meetings in your area. We will send speakers and help you set up a successful meeting. For more information email us at:

So what are you waiting for? Now is the time to join!

On Shabbat the 5th of Tamuz (July 1), Manhigut Yehudit will hold a Shabbaton for its members and friends in Kiryat Arba -- Hebron. This is the first of a number of planned retreats in which we will place high priority on turning Manhigut's members into a vibrant and enthusiastic team. For details email:

Torah Sparks: The Weekly Torah Portion of Chukat

Ultimate Love
Regarding the Cohen who administers the purification process with the ashes of the Red Heifer, the Torah writes:

"And the priest is impure until the evening"

Rabbi Mendel of Vorki comments that the ultimate in love for one's fellow man is when someone loses out himself in order to help someone else. The test of your level of love for your fellow man is the amount of sacrifices you are willing to make. (Courtesy of:

The Rebbe in His Laboratory
The previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, once referred to a person in a letter as a "G-d fearing man."

When asked why he bestowed such a title upon a person who is known as an irreligious man, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak replied:

"When a pathologist is given a blood sample or a particle of body tissue to analyze in his laboratory, he peers at it through his microscope and subjects it to a series of chemical tests and procedures. If he finds so much as the slightest trace of a certain element, or a single cell of a certain organism, he notes this in his report. For though the quantity he discerns might be minuscule and hardly worthy of regard, it points to the existence, or the potential for the existence, of much greater quantities in the person."

"I am a spiritual pathologist," concluded the Rebbe.

(Courtesy of: Meaningful Life Center)

Click here for more Torah Teachings

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Weekly Update: 3rd of Tamuz 5766 (June 29) #6634

"Manhigut Yehudit - Weekly English Update"

Thursday, June 29, 2006