November 2005
MERIA NEWS Volume 9, Issue 7 (November 2005)
the GLORIA Center,Interdisciplinary Center, HerzliyaCONTENTS:
6. SCHOLARS AND AUTHOR'S ALERTS (writers report on their books, articles,
and activities)
Important Correction:
In the September issue of MERIA Journal, the articles by Joshua
Teitelbaum, Eyal Zisser, Abbas William Samii, and Michael Rubin were meant to have
included the following after their abstracts:
This article was originally written for a project and conference on "After the Iraq
War: Strategic and Political Changes in Europe and the Middle East," co-sponsored by
the GLORIA Center and The Military Centre for Strategic Studies (CeMiSS) of Italy.
Table of Contents for MERIA Journal Volume 9, Number 4 (December 2005):
The December 2005 issue of MERIA Journal will be out shortly and sent to all subscribers. The following articles will appear: Anar Valiyev, "Azerbaijan: Islam in the Post-Soviet Republic;" Sean L. Yom, "Civil Society and Democratization: Critical Views from the Arab World;" Jonathan Spyer, "The Impact of the Iraq War on Israel's National Security Conception;" Emil Souleimanov, "Chechnya, Wahhabism, and the Invasion of Dagestan;" Barry Rubin, "What's Wrong: The Arab Liberal Critique of Arab Society;" Meir Litvak & Joshua Teitelbaum, "Edward Said and Orientalism: Some Methodological Remarks;" Etienne Sakr (Abu Arz), "The Politics and Liberation of Lebanon;" Ali Salman Saleh and Charles Harvie, "An Analysis of Public Sector Deficits and Debt in Lebanon: 1970-2000."
Barry Rubin, The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley, November 2005). 304 pages. HB: $25.95. ISBN 0-471-73901-4. The struggle for democracy within the Arab world is one on which the fate of America, and perhaps the whole world, now rests. Still, how accurate is our understanding of Arab society, and how reasonable are our expectations? Experience has taught us to assume repressive regimes will fall and glorious freedom will rise up in a way that closely mirrors the former Soviet bloc countries, despite a cavalcade of culture differences. For information and to order:
November 28. Washington, DC, USA. The Politics and Prose Bookstore invites participants to the upcoming lecture of Prof. Barry Rubin, Author of the new book, "The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East." The lecture will take place at 5015 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC (At Nebraska Avenue).
For information, visit:, or contact:
The GLORIA Center announces the publication of the two first books in The
Middle East in Focus series, published by Palgrave Macmillan and edited by Barry
Rubin. Taking new perspectives on the area which has undergone the most dramatic changes,
the Middle East in Focus series seeks to bring the best, most accurate expertise to bear
for understanding the area's countries, issues, and problems.
Patrick Clawson and Michael Rubin, Eternal Iran: Continuity and Chaos (Palgrave
Macmillan, November 2005). 224 pages. PB: $24.95. ISBN 1-4039-6276-6. HB: $75.00. ISBN
1-4039-6275-8. Exploring both continuity and change, Clawson and Rubin provide the
historical backdrop crucial to understanding how Iranian pride and sense of victimization
combine to influence its contentious and potentially dangerous politics. To order the book
from outside the United States, visit the UK website, at:
For further information, visit:
Ersin Kalaycioglu, Turkish Dynamics: Bridge across Troubled Lands (Palgrave Macmillan, November 2005). 256 pages. PB: $24.95. ISBN 1-4039-6280-4. HB $75.00. Turkey is a pivotal state whose domestic political, economic, and social developments have important implications across the globe. Here a leading Turkish political scientist enhances understanding of the interactions of liberal democracy with longstanding cultural cleavages along secular-religious lines, ethnicity, and social class. For further information and to order, visit:
Donations to MERIA Journal
The response to our September appeal was very heartwarming. In particular, the number
of professors and even students on shoe-string budgets who donated to MERIA was well above
expectation. We received donations from Colombia, Turkey, Israel, Canada, the UK, and the
United States.
Patrons ($200-500):
The Okanagon Jewish Community Centre, Canada. Dr. Harris, Occidental College.
Sponsors ($100):
Prof. William Hale. Prof. Sanford Lakoff, Professor Emeritus, UCSD. Prof. Carole A.
O'Leary, American University, in memory of John H. and Frances L. O'Leary. Prof. Marcos
Peckel, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia. Dr. David Ilan, Hebrew Union
College, Israel. John D. Sullivan, Center for International Private Enterprise,
Stanley Winer. Dr. Mark D. Mandeles. Judith and Robert Klein. Anonymous donor in New York.
Anonymous professor in Turkey.
Other donors ($50):
Ms. Carole Franco. Bill Rautenberg in honor of Papa Louis. Prof. Ami Ayalon, Tel Aviv
University. Dr. David Eaton.
Students, seniors ($30):
Avi Shahrur. Prof. Arthur Goldschmidt Jr., Professor Emeritus of Middle East History, Penn
State University. Ian Hawkins, in memory of Nurse Helen Smith, of Leeds, Yorkshire,
England. Anne and Roy Freed of Boston, Mass. Prof. Nachum Gross, Prof. Emeritus of
Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prof. Amnon Cohen. Mr. Sandy Brown, in honor of
the 74th birthday of Richard A. Brown. Joel Boucree, Auburn, CA, USA, in honor of my dear
and best friend Justin Maier. Rabbi Charles Sheer. Samuel Z. Klausner and Roberta G. Sands
Isaac Ginsburg, Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Shimshon Kinory, in honor of his former teacher Don
Patinkin, Prof. of Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Gavin Gross. Beverly
Gidron for Avner A. Gidron. Two anonymous donors in the United States.
MERIA Journal is creating a French-language edition scheduled to come out in April 2006. We are looking for good articles in French that deal with the politics, society, history, economics, and other areas of the modern Middle East (twentieth and twenty-first centuries). We encourage authors to submit proposals or queries. Please contact us ( if you have ideas for articles or know of people who might be good authors, or if you would like to receive a free subscription to MERIA Journal in French. To see our guidelines for authors, visit
The deadline for submissions is January 2006.
MERIA Journal (Le Journal de Revue des Affaires Internationales du Moyen-Orient) lance une ?dition fran?aise dont la premi?re ?dition est pr?vue pour Avril 2006. Nous cherchons des articles en fran?ais qui ?tudient la politique, la soci?t?, l'Histoire, l'?conomie et d'autres aspects du Moyen Orient moderne (le XXe et XXIe si?cles). Nous encourageons les auteurs ? soumettre leurs propositions et leurs questions. Merci de nous contacter ( si vous avez des id?es d'articles, si vous connaissez des auteurs qui pourraient nous convenir, ou si vous souhaitez vous abonner gratuitement ? MERIA en fran?ais. Pour consulter nos directives concernant les auteurs, visitez La date limite de propositions est janvier 2006.
A. Books
Salwa Alghanim, The Reign of Mubarak al-Sabah, Shaikh of Kuwait, 1896-1915 (I.B.TAURIS, 2005). Price: Special offer: £45.00 + shipping & handling. For further information, visit:
Yildiz Atasoy, Turkey, Islamists and Democracy: Transition and Globalization in a Muslim State (I.B.Tauris Publishers, 2005). 240 pages. HB: £30. ISBN 1 85043 758 0. The book tells the story of Islam's engagement with the reorganization of the global economy.
For further information and to order:
Sally N. Cummings, Kazakhstan: Power and the Elite (I.B.Tauris Publishers, 2005). 224 pages. HB: £45.00 + shipping & handling. ISBN 1860648541. The book places the elite in the country's broader institutional and historical context, analyzing their identity, behavior and how they gained and secured power in the early years of independence. For information and to order :
Alan Dowty, Israel/Palestine, Hot Spots in Global Politics Series (Polity Press, 2005). 242 pages. HB: $59.95/PB: $22.95. ISBN 0-7456-3203-3. What explains the peculiar intensity and evident intractability of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? This book demystifies the conflict by putting it in broad historical perspective, identifying its roots, and tracing its evolution up to the current impasse. For further information and to order:
Paul Dresch and James Piscatori, Monarchies and Nations: Globalization and Identity in the Arab States of the Gulf (I.B.TAURIS, 2005). HB: Special offer: £45.00 + shipping & handling. For further information, visit:
Emirates Center for Strategic Studies & Research, Iraq: Reconstruction and Future Role (I.B.Tauris Publishers, 2005). 198 pages. PB: £16.99. ISBN 9948006380. For further information and to order:
Emirates Center for Strategic Studies & Research, The Gulf: Challenges of the Future (I.B.Tauris Publishers, 2005). 220 pages. HB: £24.50. ISBN 9948006585. For further information and to order:
Emirates Center for Strategic Studies & Research, Islamic Movements: Impact on Political Stability in the Arab World (I.B.Tauris Publishers, 2005). 261 pages. PB: £18.99. ISBN 9948005457.
For further information and to order:
Tami Amanda Jacoby, Women in Zones of Conflict: Power and Resistance in Israel (McGill-Queen's University Press, October 2005). 184 pages. HB: CA $60.00 | US $60.00 | UK £45.00. ISBN 0773529535. PB: CA $24.95 | US $19.95 | UK £12.95. ISBN 0773529934. A consideration of the ways in which women have actively resisted constraints on gender equality in the nationalist struggle in Israel. For further information, visit:
Deniz Kandiyoti & Ayse Saktanber (eds.), Fragments of Culture: The Everyday of Modern Turkey (I.B.Tauris Publishers, 2005). 360 pages. PB: Now available for £15.95 + shipping & handling. Writing from within the cultural landscape of modern Turkey, the book presents exciting new writing on the everyday, providing a corrective to the often skewed perceptions of Turkish culture engendered by conventional western critiques.
For further information and to order:
Michael Kerr, Imposing Power Sharing: Conflict and Coexistence in Northern Ireland and Lebanon (Forthcoming, Irish Academic Press, November 2005). 272 pages. HB: $69.50, ISBN 0 7165 3384 7. PB: $35.00, ISBN 0 7165 3383 9. The book is a comparative analysis of power sharing agreements and peace processes in Northern Ireland and Lebanon. It examines parallel journeys both societies took through power sharing to civil war, returning to power sharing again. For further information, visit:
Rory Miller, Ireland and the Palestine Question: 1948-2004 (Irish Academic Press, March 2005). 280 pages. HB: 45.00 EURO/£35.00, ISBN 0 7165 2814 2. PB: 25.00 EURO/£19.50, ISBN 0 7165 3349 9. Based primarily on Irish archival sources, parliamentary debates, EU, UN, and Israeli documents as well as the Irish media, this work is the first attempt to examine Ireland's evolving policy towards the Palestine question since the birth of Israel in 1948.
For further information and to order, visit:
Houchang Nahavandi, The Last Shah of Iran: Fatal Countdown of A Great Patriot betrayed by the Free World. A Great Country whose fault was Success (Aquilion Ltd, 2005). 540 pages. PB: US$28.95 / GB£14.95. ISBN 1904997031.
For further information and to order:
addprod.asp?id=14755&cat=1&aut=nahavandi%2C+houchang&pgs=1 .
Angelo Rasanayagam, Afghanistan: A Modern History (I.B.Tauris Publishers, 2005). 336 pages. Now available for PB: £12.99 + shipping & handling. ISBN 1850438579. This book is the first major history of modern Afghanistan..
For further information and to order:
Scott Ritter (Foreword by Seymour Hersh), Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of America's Intelligence Conspiracy (I.B.Tauris Publishers, 2005). 256 pages. HB: Special price £12.60. ISBN 1845110889.
For further information, visit:
Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis and Sarah Stewart, The Idea of Iran: Vol. 1: Birth of the Persian Empire (I.B.Tauris Publishers, 2005). 192 pages. HB: £39.50 + shipping & handling. ISBN 1845110625. Offer ends November 5, 2005. This book explores the formation of the first Persian Empire under the Achaemenid Persians.
For further information, visit:
B. Journals, Newsletter, Papers
Democracy Digest, Vol. 2, No. 11, (November 2005), a bulletin of the
Transatlantic Democracy Network, is currently available. To read, visit:
Democratiya, No. 2 (November-December 2005) is currently available. It is a free
bi-monthly online review of books dealing with such topics as war, peace, human rights,
international law, democratization, and social and labor movements. To read, visit:
Insight Turkey's October-December 2005 issue entitled, "Turkey and the Black Sea/Caucasus" is now available. The journal covers a broad range of topics related to Turkish domestic and foreign policy affairs and aims to provide a forum for informed discussion on Turkey's relationship to its adjacent regions, such as the Middle East, the Caucasus, the Balkans, and Europe. For further information, visit:
Nonproliferation issues (NPI), is a weekly digest of nonproliferation, arms control, and international security literature compiled by FirstWatch International's expert research team. For the latest issues, visit:
The National Intelligence Strategy of the United States of America,
Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) News Release, No. 4-05, October 26,
2005. To read, visit:
Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, "Islamic Utopian Romanticism and the Foreign Policy Culture of
Iran," Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 14, No.3 (Fall 2005),
pp. 265-92, ISSN 1066-9922.
For further information, visit:
Katinka Barysch, Steven Everts, and Heather Grabbe, "Why Europe Should Embrace Turkey." The latest pamphlet of the Center for European Reform (CER). Available at:
Soner Cagaptay, "Turkey at a Crossroads: Preserving Ankara's Western Orientation," Policy Focus, No. 48 (October 2005. To download a pdf version, go to:
Farid Guliyev, "Post-Soviet Azerbaijan: Transition to Sultanistic Semiauthoritarianism? An Attempt at Conceptualization," Demokratizatsiya, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Summer 2005), pp. 393-435. The full text of the article is now available online:
For a copy in pdf format, contact:
Seth G. Jones, Jeremy Wilson, Andrew Rathmell, and K. Jack Riley, "Establishing Law and Order After Conflict." This is a RAND Corporation study which contains the results of research on reconstructing internal security institutions during nation-building missions.
For the full report, visit:
Andrzej Kapiszewski, "Non-Indigenous Citizens and 'Stateless' Residents in the Gulf Monarchies. The Kuwaiti Bidun." Available at:
Suna Kili, "August 30 and the Turkish Army I," Cumhuriyet, August 30, 2005. For further information, contact:
Suna Kili, "August 30 and the Turkish Army II," Cumhuriyet, 31 August 2005. For further information, contact:
Suna Kili, "Turkish Constitutional Developments: An Evaluation," Essays in Honor of Georgios I. Kassimatis. (Athens, Berlin, Bruxelles: 2004), pp. 121-140. For further information, contact:
Suna Kili, "An Evaluation of the Atat?rk Period from the Perspective of Elements of National Power," Dedication to the 80th Anniversary of the Turkish Republic. For further information, contact:
Ahmet T. Kuru, "Globalization and Diversification of Islamic Movements: Three Turkish Cases," Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 120, No. 2 (Summer 2005). To read, visit:
Michael McFaul, "Chinese Dreams, Persian Realities," The Journal of Democracy, Vol. 16, No. 4 (October 2005). Basic demographic and socioeconomic factors in Iran are favorable to democratization. The mullahs may hope to stave off democratic change by emulating the Chinese model, but this strategy is doomed to fail. For further information, visit:
Jonathan Rynhold, "Behind the Rhetoric: President Bush and U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict," American Diplomacy. The full text of the article is now available online:
Lorenzo Vidino, "Iran's Link to Al-Qaeda: The 9-11 Commission's Evidence," Middle East Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Fall 2004). For information:
Reidar Visser, "Shi'i Separatism in Iraq: Internet Reverie or Real Constitutional Challenge?" NUPI Paper no. 686 (Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, August 2005), 18 pages. Full text available at:
Scott Wallsten and Katrina Kosec, "The Economic Costs of the War in Iraq." Working paper (September 2005). AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies. Available at:
Eyal Zisser, "Embattled Neighbors--Syria, Israel and Lebanon,"
(Book Review)
Shofar, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 202(2), March 22, 2005. For information, contact:
Robert G. Rabil at:
"Islamists at the Ballot Box." Special Report 144 (July 2005), The United States Institute of Peace (USIP). Available online at the USIP website: or request hard copy by mail (free of charge) from:
To see information from the Center for European Reform (CER) on the topic "Why Europe Should Embrace Turkey," visit:
To see the results of a RAND Corporation workshop on "Exploring Religious Conflict," visit:
For the summary, visit:, or:
For a report by the Congressional Research Service (via Federation of American Scientists) on "Islamist Extremism in Europe," visit:
A. General:
The Middle East Quarterly has just made available several hundred
reviews of books about Middle Eastern studies and Islam, linked alphabetically by book
The Mehlis Report on the Hariri Assassination originally released on October 21, 2005, is available at: or
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has launched
a website, including news releases, speeches, and information on national intelligence
strategy and about the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. Visit:
To read the latest statements, briefings, and hearings on regional security issues,
from United States Embassy in Tel Aviv and The American Center in Jerusalem, visit:
To see Martin Kramer's Virtual Lecture Series on issues related to policy and politics in the Middle East, and on the predicament of Middle Eastern studies in America, visit:
The Television News Archive collection at Vanderbilt University is one of the most extensive and complete archive of television news, holding more than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from the major U.S. national broadcast networks and more than 9,000 hours of special news-related programming. This resource serves as a unique reference tool for studying historical and political events. For further information, visit:
To see a letter from Ayman al-Zawahiri to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi regarding a strategic vision for al-Qa'ida's direction for Iraq and beyond, and al Qa'ida's senior leadership's isolation and dependence, visit 'The office of the Director of National Intelligence' (ODNI) site at:
B. Egypt:
For an analysis of Egypt's presidential election, visit:
C. Iraq:
To see a translation of Iraq's draft constitution, visit:
To see the U.S. Department of Defense report to the Congress on "Measuring Security and Stability in Iraq," visit:
To see the National Security Archive Update, "Saddam's Iron Grip," Intelligence Reports on Saddam Hussein's Reign, October 18, 2005, visit:
D. Iran:
"In the Name of the God of Mercy, Compassion, Peace, Freedom and Justice,"
speech by Dr. Mahmood Ahmadinejad's, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, at the
Sixtieth Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, September 17, 2005.
Available at:
To see an ABC news report of U.S. Energy Department Briefing on "Iran's Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities: A Pattern of Peaceful Intent?," visit:,
or for the briefing itself, visit:
To see the latest U.S. Department of State report on arms control compliance on Iranian nuclear program, visit:
E. Saudi Arabia
To see Middle East Report, No. 45 on "The Shiite Question in Saudi Arabia,"
The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center is the educational and documentary center of the national memorial site of the Israeli intelligence community. It releases regularly, exclusive information on its Internet site. The information, a large percentage of which is based on original Palestinian documents captured by Israeli forces, is available in both in Hebrew and English. In addition, the Center now sends out information in an electronic newsletter.
To subscribe, visit:
To subscribe to Mideast Wire's Middle East daily news summary service, visit:
To receive The American Iranian Council (AIC) electronic newsletter, contact or visit:
Funding/Grants/ Fellowships and Employment
The Center for the Study of Islam at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem is granting scholarships to Hebrew University graduate students (both M.A. in course of research & Ph.D.) studying Islamic religion and culture. Deadline: 15/12/2005.
For further information, contact:,
or visit:
The Eurasia Program of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is
offering teaching fellowships at both the pre-doctoral and postdoctoral levels for the
2006-2007 academic year to support research, writing, training, and curriculum development
on or related to the New States of Eurasia, the Soviet Union, and/or the Russian Empire.
Applicants in all disciplines of the social sciences or humanities are welcome. The
fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of State under the Program for Research and
Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title
VIII). To apply & for additional information, visit:
Deadline: January 24, 2006 at 9:00 p.m.
The American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) in Amman, Jordan is granting fellowships
for 2006-2007. Deadline for applications: February 1, 2006.
For further info, contact:, or visit:
The American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) in Amman, Jordan is seeking an assistant director for a residential administrative position. A one-year renewable appointment would begin in late 2005. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Applications should include CV, and names and contact information for three referees. Send to:
For further details, e-mail:
or visit:
The Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies is seeking an assistant or associate
professor for The Contemporary Islam Program. A good understanding of Islamic history,
culture, and practice in the Middle East and/or Southeast Asia, as well as knowledge of
Islamic law and jurisprudence and theological issues are required. Knowledge of Arabic
and/or Malay/Bahasa Indonesia is an advantage. A relevant Ph.D. and a good publication
record are essential. To apply email full CV, two letters of reference, and writing sample
Writing Opportunities
Insight Turkey journal is calling for papers on the following topics: Georgia after the Revolution: Where to Now?; The Azerbaijani Election of November 6; Turkey and Armenia; Turkey, Russia and the Caucasus; A Nuclear Iran: Implications for the Caucasus; Frozen Conflicts in the Black Sea/Caucasus; The Domestic Dimension of Turkey's Caucasus Policy; An American view of developments in the Caucasus; A European View on Developments in the Caucasus; European Neighborhood Policy and the Black Sea/Caucasus; A Russian Perspective of the Caucasus; A Larger NATO Role in the Black Sea?; The Role of Multinational Organizations in the Caucasus; The Politics of Development Work in the Caucasus. Articles on sub-regions: Abkhazia, Karabagh, Ossetia, Adjaria, Ahiska. Any other paper ideas, including book reviews, will be considered. Deadline for submissions: December 10, 2005.
For further information or for format and referencing questions, contact:, or visit:
January 20-21, 2006. Philadelphia, PA, USA. The University of Pennsylvania and The University of Oxford are co-sponsoring a conference entitled, "Commemorating the Constitution, 1906-2006. State Building & Global Responses to Iranian Constitutionalism." Panelists are invited to submit abstracts of approximately 250 words assessing the process of nation formation, the development of a civic culture, or the international ramifications of this broad-based constitutional movement in the Middle East.
For further information, contact:
May 28-30, 2006. Banff, Alberta, Canada. The Association for Israel Studies (AIS) invites
participants to its 22nd Annual Conference, sponsored by the University of Calgary. AIS is
calling for proposals for organized panels and/or individual papers in any field of Israel
studies for its upcoming annual meeting. Panels may consist of three or four papers, or
may be organized as round-table discussions or "meet the author" sessions; panel
organizers should provide a title as well as names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of
all participants, brief abstracts of their papers, and any requests for audio-visual
equipment. Proposals for individual papers should include the same information. Proposals
should be submitted electronically to the most appropriate member of the Program
Committee. Deadline: February 15, 2006. For more information, visit:
On all other matters pertaining to arrangements for the annual meeting,
Columbia University Prof. Judy Kuriansky calls for papers for book, Psychotherapy in a
Turmoil Region: Reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis from a Psychological
Perspective. Content: papers/manuscripts from both Palestinian and Israeli
professionals in the field of psychology, social work, and social sciences, describing
their work dealing with the psychological issues in their culture, therapeutic approaches
they use, or collaborations they have been involved with-- bringing Palestinians and
Israelis together with the aim of mutual psychological understanding. Deadline: as soon as
For any questions or clarifications, contact:
April 28-29, 2006. Washington, DC, USA. The Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy calls for papers to its 7th Annual Conference, "The Challenge of Democracy in the Muslim World." The possible paper topics include (but are not restricted to): The state of democracy in the Muslim societies/countries; critical evaluation of the theoretical discourse on democratization; domestic and external challenges to democracy in the Muslim world; prospects for democracy in the Muslim world; The challenge of anti-democratic Islamist discourses; gender equality, the rights of minorities, and democratization in the Muslim world; developing new and just interpretations of Islamic principles in the 21st century. Proposals must demonstrate the relevance of their topic in general to the challenges of democracy in Muslim societies. E-mail proposals (between 200- 400 words) by January 1, 2006:
For updates on the conference, visit:
Seeking information on the culture and politics of the Arabs in Iran, both in Khuzistan/Arabistan and in the Gulf provinces. In particular, seeking information regarding their relationship with pan-Arabism and their attitudes toward the Islamic Republic. Please contact Ariel I. Ahram, at:
Andrew G. Bostom (ed.), foreword by Ibn Warraq, The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims (Prometheus Books, October 2005). 600 pages. HB: $18.48. ISBN 1591023076. The Legacy of Jihad is a comprehensive, meticulously documented compilation which includes Muslim theological and juridical texts, eyewitness historical accounts by both Muslim and non-Muslim chroniclers, and essays by preeminent scholars analyzing jihad war and the ruling conditions imposed upon the non-Muslim peoples conquered by jihad campaigns.
For further information, visit:
Frederic Tellier, L'heure de l'Iran (Ellipses, 2005). For further info, contact:
Ilan Berman, Tehran Rising: Iran's Challenge to the United States (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, September 2005). 224 pages. Price: $24.95. ISBN 0-7425-4904-6. For further info, contact:
James Ker-Lindsay, EU Accession and UN Peacemaking in Cyprus (Palgrave Macmillan, August 2005). 224 pages. HB: £45.00. ISBN 1-4039-9690-3. This work traces the attempts by the United Nations to bring about the reunification of Cyprus prior to the island's accession to the European Union on May 1, 2004.
For more information, visit:
Reidar Visser, Basra, the Failed Gulf State: Separatism and Nationalism in Southern
Iraq (Berlin: LIT Verlag, October 2005). 256 pages, Price: 29.90 EURO. ISBN
3-8258-8799-5. The first case-study ever published on an actual occurrence of southern
Iraqi separatism.
For information and to order, visit:
Robert G. Rabil, Syria, the United States, and the War on Terror in
the Middle East
(Praeger Publication, forthcoming in 2006).
For information, contact:
Suna Kili, History of the Turkish Revolution (September, 2005). 445 pages. PB: $17 + postage. ISBN 975-458-259-9. For further information, contact:
November 18, 2005. The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) for Defense and Security Studies invites participants to its upcoming Conference, "Alliance and Sacrifice: Counter-Terror and Radicalism in Pakistan."
For booking information contact Ms. Mamoona Shah at:
For information:
November 19-22, 2005. Washington, DC, USA. The Association for Israel Studies (AIS) and The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) invite participants to the upcoming "Israeli Foreign Policy after Arafat" conference, to be held at the Wardman Park Marriott Hotel Washington, DC.
For further information on the MESA program, contact Bob Freedman at:
Tuesdays. London, England. The London Middle East Institute invites participants to its
upcoming Tuesday lectures program 2005-6, entitled "The Contemporary Middle
For further information contact:, or visit:
December 7, 2005. London, England. The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), a college of the University of London, invites participants to a lecture by Suseela C Yesudian-Storfjell, on "The Representation of Jews, Israel, and Zionism in Indian Muslim and Pakistani Discourse." The lecture is open to the public and will take place from 1-2 p.m. in Room B102 in the Brunei Gallery building at SOAS.
For information, visit:
February 2006. Tehran, Iran. The Institute for Research and Development in Humanities, Center for Research on Russia, Central Asia, and Caucasus (IRAS), and the Central Eurasia Program of the Center for Graduate International Studies of the University of Tehran invite participants to the symposium on "Central Asia, Past, Present and Future."
For further information, visit:
MERIA Journal Staff
Publisher and Editor: Barry Rubin; Assistant Editors: Cameron Brown , Keren Ribo,
Yeru Aharoni. Turkish representative: Ozgul Erdemli
MERIA is indexed in the SOAS Library in London's
Index Islamicus and CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts.
MERIA NEWS Volume 9, Issue 7 (November 2005)
*Serving Readers throughout the Middle East and in 100 Countries*
Publisher and Editor: Prof. Barry Rubin
Assistant Editors: Cameron Brown , Keren Ribo, Yeru Aharoni
MERIA is a project of the Global Research in International Affairs
Tue, 15 Nov 2005
(GLORIA) Center, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya.
MERIA NEWS Volume 9, Issue 7 (November 2005)
Site: Email:
November 15, 2005